The steak matches the review. Great place to eat.

The food matches the reviews! Great place to eat!

We’re on Day 3 of our holiday in Da nang and the first two days the restaurants did not match their reviews and we were very disappointed. So we were hesitant with La Cabana and their rave reviews but my son loves steak and really wanted to go. We were very pleasantly surprised. Food was excellent. Service was excellent and the owner a kind and genuine man who told us that despite being approached by companies to do fake reviews, he prefers to let the food speak for itself and reviews come in organically. A breath of fresh air!

Highly recommend if you’re looking for a good steak at a fair price with delicious sauces and sides. Chimichurri is a must if you go here!

From Dina Cooper and Family

Come to La Cabana If you want to eat authentic steak in Da Nang